Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sufing, more surfing, and my new haircut.

Howdy all,

I'm exhausted after a long day of surfing. This morning I went and got a haircut so I can remain employed (my boss told me I needed a better hair style). It's short now. I'll post some pics tomorrow. But after that we went to Manly beach via ferry. The beach is very beautiful and I spent the majority of the time surfing. Attempting to surf would be a more accurate term. But either way it was quite enjoyable.

Yesterday the day was spent at Bronte beach, a beach closer by but less crowded than Bondi. I was surfing the entire time as well. I fared better yesterday than I did today for some reason, likely the types of waves. Here are some pictures of me surfing, and of Mike and Megan who I was with.

Damn. Just damn.

These are the last pics of me with my long hair

Mike, Megan, and I

I ride a short board. Isn't she beautiful.
Me catching a wave.

I shall post some pics of Manly beach tomorrow. And my new haircut!!!

Off to sleep now though. Hope everyone is well.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome pics Andrew!!! I'm glad you got out and enjoyed your days off at the beach and got some surfing in. Keep at it and I'm sure you will have it mastered in no time, just be careful of the sharks!!! Nice chatting with you this a.m. and I must say I love your new haircut you look very mature...Take care!!
Love you.
Mum xoxox