I would just like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes and the gifts I have received. Seriously, thank you. Albeit that I denied that it really mattered that it was my birthday today, it made me happy to know that you all care. Made today easier :)
I am not going lie, it

is a strange feeling; to be here having to look for people to celebrate with on your birthday. My close friends are either travelling or are working, so tonight I will head out by my lonesome. Stop, before you start to feel sorry though. I might be heading out by my lonesome, but I will not be lonely. I am looking at tonight as a challenge of sorts; a test to see how easily I can now meet others. I have come a long way from the anxious traveller who left 3 and a half months ago. A long way indeed. I have grown, learnt more and more about myself; gained some answers to the existential questions about who I am and what I want from life. Answers that I left in search for. And tonight I will be celebrating, not only the beginning of my 22 year, but also, to the continuation of becoming the person I want to be.
Hmm, that got a little deep there hehe. I am hungry now, so I will go and grab a birthday steak, and then needless to say, head out and party!!!
Andrew, the birthday boy, Meades ;)
I think you should become a journalist or a writer you have such an eloquent way with words. And sorry but,I did cry a bit. But hey, I'm a mother and I can't help it. By the time you read this you will have had your night out and hopefully you had a great time and met some new people. I'm glad you liked all your b'day gifts it was fun watching you open them up. Let's chat again soon and always remember how much you are loved back home....
Mum xoxoxoxoxoxox
BTW: I recognize that banner, is it not from the Office episode where they forgot Kelly's birthday??
Thanks Mum, yeah that is the banner from the office, it is hilarious.
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