Here are some pictures of the steak and cake I ate for my birthday. It was good. So good I took pictures to remember it. I actually ate the mushrooms on the steak too albeit I've never been a fungi fan.
I have been longing for a beach day for awhile and was excited that when I woke up it was sunny. The forecast called for afternoon showers (its being fulfilled as I type) so I hustled my ass to Coogee. I had to choose between going surfing, or trying snorkelling, and I choose the ladder. I used Mike's snorkel but needed a mask, and being Sunday it was hard to find a shop with one open, so I grabbed the first pair of swimming goggles I could find. They were blue. I didn't think at the time that would matter, and for 10 bucks I just grabbed them so I could spend as much time at the beach before it started raining.
Check out the facebook album of interesting things I saw while I transversed the rocks below the cliff-face. Meow. Oh yeah and these videos. Don't be scared of the one where I am right on the edge of the cliff Mum, I swear it wasn't as dangerous as it looks...*shifty eyes*
Actually, I'll just embed it. If you want to see the annotations I put on video 7 use this link instead.
Love the cake and steak pictures they both look like works of art,almost too artistic to eat, glad you enjoyed them.
The videos you took when you went snorkelling were great. That rockface was pretty scary though I'm glad you didn't attempt to climb it to the very top especially in your sandals!
Maybe for now instead of buying an expensive underwater camera just buy the disposable kind made by Kodak that can be used underwater.
Keep in touch. Have a great day.
Love you. Mum xoxoxo
Hey Andrew !!!
I loved the videos, were you taking those videos with your camera or your phone ?? Looks amazing, makes me what to come even more !!! I love the videos as it feels like your there with you. People must wonder what your doing when your talking to your camera !! LOL
Glad to see that your getting out and about on your days off. You seem to be getting more hours which is nice too!! Glad you had a great birthday dinner, it sure look yummy !!! Wish I could have been there with you though ? Did you go after dinner or what did you do ? Who made that birthday sign for you ?? It was nice !
Snorkeling is definitely a must for you do in OZ, its fun but sometimes you can lost quickly and not even realize until you pop your head up so be careful. We should have got you the snorkel set from costco before you left !! Its made from body glove ... darn !! Oh well, hopefully you can find a decent set !! Enjoy your day at work and Skype me tonight I don't have soccer and should be home.
Miss you lots,
Long time no see, we should try to get a skype call going sometime early on this week. Glad you had a good birthday, and enjoyed the steak... hope it was certified angus!
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