Here is the group of us, all surfers fresh out of surf camp.
One of the days it was crappy on and off raining. We tried to go to the beach only to have it start pouring. Then we tried to do the light house climb, it's supposed to be very beautiful, only to have it start raining again. So, Mike, Lisa, and I went and saw the movie Star Trek, which was surprisingly not nerdy at all and an entertaining movie.
The next day Damien and I had our surf lesson. Wow, that was brutal. The swell was 10.5 feet meaning that some waves were even bigger. It was brutal trying to surf them. Getting out 'the back', meaning behind where the waves break, took all your energy. I felt bad for the people who were there trying to learn for the first time. We went to 7 mile beach just below Byron because Mojosurf didn't have permission to teach surf on Main Beach in Byron. I did manage to catch a couple waves, but the effort in that outweighed the thrill. Compared to the surf at the camp or at Main beach it was insane.
Right now I am in Surfers. I like it here, the city looks clean and beautiful. I like how the skyscrapers are right behind the beach. I will post some photos of the city after I take some good ones tomorrow. Tonight, the group of us are doing a pub crawl, which is a really good way to check out the night life here for cheap. There are going to be over 100 of us doing this to its sure to get a little crazy. But hey, no rest for the wicked, or when you're traveling and on vacation.
I hope everyone is doing well. We'll talk soon. I have better internet here so that is great.
Cheers mate,
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