The move went great. Mike and I are sharing a queen bed for now till my landlord gets 2 singles later this week. The internet sucks at the place right now, I don't know if that is because one of our roommates is uploading tons of stuff, or if it is just bad in general. But I am working on borrowing the neighbours internets which I hear is quite high speed. I was in the middle of doing that when I accidentally deleted the drivers for my wireless card, but I shall fix that later today and then its Skype calls for everyone. I also plan on dropping off tons of resume's everywhere today too because I need a job badly. Anyways, I hope things are going well for everyone and as soon as I get everything figured out I will post tons and tons of pictures.
But now I am off to pizza hut lunch buffet to chow down. Mmmm
Cheers mates,
This guy
mmm pizza hut.. sounds delicious. I'd crack some stupid joke about keeping warm at night but i doubt it's real cold in Sydney (is there a weather app for your blooog?). Anyways, i'm lookin forward to the pics of the new flat and to the next time we get to chat.. under normal circumstances lol
Later man, Chromer
Hacking wireless?
Hope the job interview went well last night... or atleast it was last night for us. Hope that we can chat soon when we are both sober.... have a good one
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