Near the top of the hill we saw a couple large fungi growing out of the bottom of a tree trunk. They had an interesting underside.
We continued.

Anyways we continued down the farmers property towards a field of corn that had not been cleared yet. Um, what would you call it? Dead corn? Sure why not. So we headed towards the dead corn field...

Sadie had a blast running around the field and nearby path and throughly enjoyed collecting loads of burrs on her fur. Luckily they were easy for me to remove from her coat as she is still young. Can you spot Sadie running towards me?

I spotted this flower on a tree nearby. My aunt has informed me that the deer eat these, though I forget what they are called.

Then on the way back home I took a panoramic shot of the hill down to my cousin's house. This was mostly to test the phone out, and partly because I like the paintball memories.

And that was that. Took me about 20 minutes to get all the burrs out of Sadies fur but overall it was a worthwhile little hike. Only 22 more days until I go on more exciting ones hehehe.
Awesome post Andrew! You rule!
nice shots Andrew, I bet Allison would like one of the ones of Sadie..
nice pix; gotta get better though for the 'kinis in roo-land - Rolf
I love reading on your blog Andrew. The name of the plant you
took a picture of is called a staghorn sumac. Thought you needed to know........Love Auntie Sally
That corn is just drying down Meades, it will be combined as soon as it is dry. That way you don't have the added cost of propane for drying the grain. But the corn plant itself would infact be dead. Little FYI for when your working at your Aussie Ranch
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